Grandma's Musings

A Good Balance Might Be Better

Posted on: Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Maybe it’s a carryover from the Bush Administration, or maybe it’s because it sells better, but I think the media might give both sides of the possibility that the economy will improve and stop with the fear tactics of gloom and doom. Every night I glue myself to the news on all the channels, with all the top journalists and listen to the commentary of some fairly intelligent political and financial experts. The thing is that the news is the same, all bad. Yes, the economy is still spiraling down, the housing market is in the cellar and financial institutions are hoping we’ll bail them out once again for their greedy mistakes of yesterday. We know this and we should see the statistics when they happen, but there are some hopeful signs, there are pockets of positive stimulus, (if I may use that word)in some parts of the country. People are making adjustments, some successfully and some hardpressed to get by. Work on infrastructure projects have started and that means 150,000 unemployed back on the job. Maybe if the media would tell us of some more victories, or at least hopeful results from efforts made by businesses, families managing to hold on to their homes and jobs, there would be more positive results. Positive effort bring positive results and at least a sense of hope that we will survive. So to the media, let’s have a better balance of yes and less of no. Let’s see all the sides of our problems. You never know, it might sell more newspapers and make for better television.

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